Works in Progress: Student-Led Projects

*Underlined names are graduate students

Christodoulou, C., Oliveira, E. N., Baloch, M., & Laguerre, R. A. (in press). Addressing antiwork concerns through developing nonwork identities: Beyond an emphasis on meaningful work. Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Baloch, M., & Laguerre, R. A. (in prep). Age diversity: The key to unlocking both exploratory and exploitative innovation?

Christodoulou, C. Z., & Laguerre, R. (2024, April). The benefits of social participation: Drawing on the Health and Retirement Study. Poster submitted to the annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, IL.

Oliveira, E. N., & Laguerre, R. A. (2024, April). Rank ordering personal resources for work ability in the health and retirement study. Poster submitted to the annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, IL.

Oliveira, E., Laguerre, R. A., & Baker, C. L. (2024, April). Exploring workplace age metastereotypes: Antecedents and outcomes. In R. A. Laguerre (Co-Chair), C. L. Baker (Co-Chair), and G. A. Petery (Discussant). (2024). New advances in our understanding of age stereotypes and age metastereotypes at work. Symposium submitted to the annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, IL.